I've hated fending off virtual offers. [flipping that back] That's fine, Chloe, but if you spy on me then you damn well knew what you were doing when you built up my crush.
And the process of being put on trial has made me cold. I'm serious that I'm nicer cos of the drugs: it was the first thing people from my old life saw when I got high.
I'm tired but I will not cease. That's Dakta's legacy to me.
It genuinely was nice not to see any 'pass with care' signs. Thanks for that.
But I don't want Cass. She has to accept that for the same reasons that I accept Meesh and every other girl I've had a crush on not feeling the same.
Or maybe some girls felt the buzz.. none told me, so I figured they were just being polite.
I don't want to 'feel in' - I want to feel free. I'm sick of feeling like a prisoner, and technically I'm a free womyn.
And I would feel equally imprisoned at the NZSM campus. Another reason I refuse.
Same with theatre. That's why I don't do that: it always feels like cliques and I'm always the outsider.
While I like film people. They usually work hard and have a tolerance for butt-numbing boredom.
Travel might make me feel free, but my plan re: that is to visit Paraparaumu.
I'm happy that I came here, and I'm happy that I stuck to my guns fashion-wise.
Despite my Auckland jokes, I genuinely enjoyed Auckland Central.
Ideas for next time: classy restaurant, kelly tarlton's, waterfront.