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Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

Battle of the Bulge: part 2

Well, this is a pair of tights that I'm fairly sure I had in 2021, and this is some pink panties that I'm very sure I had in 2021 (and stopped wearing cos they're uncomfortable). As you can see, the sheer fabric often creates the illusion of flashing, and yes there are occasions where my balls might shift in and out of those particular undies, which was such a hassle that I gave up wearing them.

See, this is actually common trans stuff. Dave Roil told me that adjusting my undies as a trannie was quite normal, and it's the evil people in town that read it as a sexual thing. However, I think most of the bs revolves around the way the nub of my penis becomes more pronounced and 'transparent' when I'm wearing tights.

- The key point, Owen and Jane, is that I was wearing a long skirt, and anything that might have been visible was only visible because I decided to share my music with you. You treated me like a flasher, and now I'm refusing to share my music with you. Jane wasn't even in the room at that point. So, yes, it's basically just Owen being rude.


Regarding Barbara, Ian and Mark, I can't even believe we're fucking discussing this. Newsflash: those were pants, not stockings or tights. Nobody who saw me wear those trousers while playing indoor cricket complained.

You saw the nub. You made assumptions. You didn't mention it to me. It was 5 years ago, and I feel like you owe me an apology. - See! Dak Headroom proves my point. And the NZSM wonders why I refused to return... it's pretty fucking obvious. Regarding what happened with Jake, I wore those same clothes when Michelle and I visited the Portrait Gallery in one of those 'not a date' dates that we had, and also to Aunty Dana's when I went to see a play that some trans people from up north had devised. Michelle got a wee bit touchy-feely, but obviously nobody bothered me at the op shop. It's the classical music people that called me a sicko and backed that up with what could only be described as an attempt to convert me into being cis, and given that many of those people were (and are) VUW employees, that's also why I'm not friends with Meesh anymore -- well, nominally, but not really.

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Amanda Riddell
Amanda Riddell

I'm not blaming Michelle, as we all know that she's a very touchy-feely person. Just stating that the pink dress seemed to make people think I was a slut. As for VUW, I'm sorry that you think that Weeded Out would be making it up to me, but actually it's just another method for you to control and limit my gender expression. Apologising for your hand in this conversion therapy shit would be making it up to me, and compensating me for attempting to steal my screenplay would be making it up to me.

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