Ok, Chloe, I realise that you're writing back.
Though yeah, it's your whole team rather than you individually; that's why the snarky part.
Write me back as you... then we can talk. 👍
It's not that I don't see you as you are, but it is that I don't trust my intuitions from when you spy on me.
And tbh whether you like me or you hate me, it's sorta irrelevant to what you want from me. Which -- if I could guess -- is surprise and surpsise that makes you feel seen.
But yeah, I'm not terribly interested in what your caucus mates think of me. Which is why I don't go on those holidays.
And yeah, don't project this -- this is for the real MP. I may think I'm psychic sometimes, but I'm not going to pretend like you didn't try to fuck with my head.
That's why I lash out -- people who think they can fix me can accept I don't want a relationship with anyone who sees me as their personal project.
I don't give a fuck if Chloe takes my advice: and if Jane can't handle that I don't want to be her maid, maybe she should accept that I'm sick of unpaid labour.
See, that's very feminist of me. ⚧️
Love doesn't equal people I want to sleep with.
And truth be told I'm not sure I want anyone to share my bed.
And the lot of you should practice up a handful of real apologies if you ever expect me to ever set foot on the NZSM campus, ever. 👍
I'm not talking this year or next year; I'm saying 50 years from now I wouldn't set foot on VUW.
I'm not talking to any of you about your ideas about arranging my songs. I want you to admit you get too much joy from spying on me.
I want you to admit I don't want to talk to any of you simply because your kids are trans. Your attitudes when I was studying were why I felt like I couldn't come out. -
And your attitudes now are why I'm not setting foot on the campus. Your attitudes about my world need to change very quickly, and you are not able to do that because you are academic shits.
Your MA's and PhD's make you unable to understand me. I don't want your help to fit in; send me the frickin' students because you lack the skills to teach them, Michael Norris or anyone else who doesn't write film or show music.
And accept I have my own working methods, which are effective. And those working methods are not related to university education, because they don't require frickin' degree studies.
They are effective because they aren't competitive. That's why I refuse to work for the university.
None of you are right about me. None of you were ever right.
What I'm saying is simple: don't stalk me VUW, and accept I will refuse every single offer you ever make about any piece I have ever written.
You don't own my music. Pay me out if you want any of it.
Accept that if I broke the bank on Jane's ACC it is because you should not have fucking forced me to explain to all of you that I do not want your help.
I do not want your criticisms unless you pay up. I do not want any of you anywhere near my life when you think I'm a paedo.
None of you have changed your minds about my orientations, so get real when I say that's why I don't want any fucking help from the VUW/NZSM.
You lot owe me $5,000 for (seriously) not supervising me for the back half of my PGDip. Pay that up first. 👍
Jake owes me. You all owe me.
You're not wiling to pay. That's fine, accept that I don't want your help and let me fuck off to another city.
What I am re-iterating, and will re-iterate is that none of you get to tell me how to live my life.
If I love Chloe, that's just the truth. And if she likes me too, that's great.
Accept now that I am not interested in anything other that what Jane already gets from me.
She can have that. I'm not providing her with anything more than that, and if she wants anything else, the lot of you have to admit that you exploited Amanda.
The rest of you have to accept that I'm not backing down. I'll live here and sweat here forever rather than one moment of the lot of you uni shits.
Call me. Text me. Write me. I'm not going to write any of you ever.
Accept that.
Accept that Jane's money isn't enough. Nothing you have offered me has ever persuaded me you will ever accept me. -
That's the truth. And accept I get stoned all the fricking time. 🍃
Michael Norris sent me a one-line apology for not supervising me. That's when you lost me forever.
That was 2015. I don't give a fuck what you shits think now; that's when you lost me.
No, it's not a mistake. I showed you all what live like it's legal fucking means.
The lot of you were too fucking chicken to live my life, so accept when I say that your condescension isn't going to sway me.
I can raise my money for my show. It will be screen, and the lot of you can accept you're not my friends, VUW or Red Scare. 🧨 -
Accept I'm not going to let anyone tell me how to make my show. It will be what it is, and fuck off arrogant sods with MA's from NY schools that couldn't teach you to do the thing that I do.
As for Don: you were too fucking chicken to live my life when you had the chance, and I'm not keen to be the next you (re: performance).
As a composer, I studied your music as seriously as any composer I admire, and I pulled it apart until I could do my thing + your thing.
If I do it differently to you, that's because I'm 30+ years younger than you, and I'm ace. and trans. 👍
nah, I would never appear on the Project or any of Paddy's shows.
That isn't my thing. I want my shows, I want them on screen, and there is absolutely nobody on the face of the planet who could persuade me otherwise. ✌️