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Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

'bring your whole self to work'

When it comes to my so-called protest of being a trannie (and living that way), this is the key element. That's the slogan that most businesses use nowadays, but that doesn't apply to a lot of people with alternative sexual or gender orientations. - If everyone agreed on the interpretation of those laws in the Human Rights Act, this would be a moot point. However, some take 'sexual orientation' to only mean homo, hetero and bi and not to include so-called deviant orientations. Then there's the idea of whether sex = gender. The Humans Rights Commission generally says that sex and sexual orientation is also taken to mean gender identity and expression, but there's not a wealth of case law to support this interpretation. When I spoke to Vinod at the event which Ricardo Menendez March hosted, he said that there was one case that related to this, but that it was a constructive dismissal case and that the gender element wasn't the primary one (I think.. that was several months ago). - I think that people who want me to tone it down should shut the fuck up. That's fair, given that people generally support my freedom of expression. It's a small coterie of dickheads that oppose me in Wellington, but those people are quite influential. I mean, ultimately was I an obnoxious queen at the RNZ office? no, I wasn't. I behaved like a professional at the office, except for getting stoned after midnight. Maybe those who want to see what I'm like as a professional should treat me as such, and discover that I'm a successful film producer because I'm quite reasonable.

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Amanda Riddell
Amanda Riddell
Mar 10

I'm not really setting out to write Savage Love columns, but it does seem like a lot of people are woefully underinformed about alternative sexual lifestyles in Aotearoa. Most of my musicals aren't about successful love affairs. These Words is an idealisation, and 2030 Shipwrecked barely has a love story (other than this new one that I'm thinking of adding between Edgar and Rose).

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