I famously and defiantly don't, but it's slightly more complicated and nuanced in parlance. For me, I'd identify as gay if I thought that I was being targeted by homophobia rather than transphobia, or in the broader umbrella sense (ie 'gay issues'). A lot of transphobia is essentially homophobia, but that's not the insidious stuff that is poisoning the planet at the moment. The stuff with the genocidal overtones is what we're really fighting against. -
Missed my shot to freak Tanya out. Possibly on Thursday. - I came out in a fairly enlightened era in a very trans-friendly city, so for the most part the vibe was genuine curiousity, but that gets old and the type of questions that people ask become more invasive. -
One of the upsides of being friends with politicians is that I probably have more security protecting me from the hateful attacks that are presumably levelled at me. I mean, my brother did that to me, so it stands to reason that the alt-right are, and some of the memes that I saw in the Disinformation Project report seemed to be references to my screenplay and the success - yes, success - of the advertising campaign. Those weren't all Kiwi audiences, but it certainly seemed like a legit size, so I can see how that scared the shit out of Brian Tamaki. Still proud I flipped him off, and it totally worked, like when I laughed at his minion with the megaphone. -
Perils of the Dakumentary being so revealing, but transparency is one of the big-ticket political issues for me, and I'm role modelling by living a totally transparent life. Overall, I'm fairly satisfied by that, but the kink-phobic views pissed me off. Part of why I vent is so that I don't freak out when it counts. It's essentially a really bizarre way of practicing my speeches that I stole from old movies. Lots of people used to walk around making voice memos to themselves, but that's a dying art. Rupert sent me some of his, so that was like a really hands-on songwriting technique that I picked up by hanging out with Dave Roil's posse.
My anxiety about Chloe isn't any different to how I felt about Lauren. There's lots of points in both columns regarding being in a relationship (or not being in one). If I had the money, I'd probably pay for therapy to talk about the sexual traumas, as I think that those are preventing me from living a fuller life. My other problems are mostly resolved, except for the feuds dredging them up. I still wonder if pornography is the easiest way to make money from all the various bits and pieces that I produce. I've generally enjoyed making my porn for my own reasons and being ambivalent about whether people like it, but it does seem like an easy way to pick up a few dollars while still making movies.