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Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

Explaining my use of AI

  1. Algorithms aren't really AI. It's basically counting cards dressed up with grunt power: this is why I used to like my own posts - Google Plus made this obvious, but yes a like is basically just a +1, and until the emoji reacts there wasn't a positive/negative implication .. all publicity was good publicity until that. Riffing off my algorithms is just a technique I developed to piss off the cops. Plus because I'm insane, and sometimes the ideas of reference seem very real. Most of the time, I'm choosing to play along with the idea that they're meant for me. They are, in a sense: that's what FB and YouTube are trying to do with their algorithms by default - maximise eyeballs and screen time. 😀

  2. What does the Deep Dream Engine do? Well, the Deep Style tool shoves the style from one picture onto another, and if you train your profile the way I trained mine, then the results start to become more predictable. The text-prompts aren't really how I built the art; I combed through Pinterest or my porn feed, and then transformed those.

  3. Then the roto animation is just the same process as stop-motion. A lot of the 'animation' is stuff from Adobe Premiere (scale, zoom etc.). The Motion Array tools aren't AI - but they take place over timeframes, which is how the lens distortions are programmed.

  4. There's no AI involved in my music. That's all standard notation or basic electroacoustic effects from Premiere (I don't use Audacity or Pro Tools for my audio). Or tapes of me playing guitar...

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