Note for Eilish: if you're coming around on the idea, then I was thinking that we could write separate reviews with separate scores.
I was keen to do an aggregate score with the Press Gallery, but most of those people are too busy to attend Question Time. Sometimes they hang around for a question or two, but mostly it's pretty empty.
But with two of us, and perhaps three if Miguel or other regulars are keen to score the questions, then we could aggregate the scores and take it seriously.
Gary's interjections are mostly for his own sanity, but I write down the ones that strike me as funny. I ran Fantasy Parliament for a wee while, but it was a lot of effort to go to.
It could be a good hook for the Substack that everyone's insisting I create.
As for staring down the bad guys: well, many of them seemed visibly uncomfortable. Absolutely no exposure, though: I was wearing three layers! It was transgressive and bold to sit where I sat (directly across from the Omelette), and I thoroughly loved it, despite not really staring him down properly.