What I love about the camera tests is that they show it's my eye that's important, not my baldness or my lack of tits.
If the university isn't prepared to offer me a real job, then they're being discriminatory to say that I should produce a film as their underpaid intern that still has to direct and star. At least in 2023, when my enemies said something along the lines of they believed that the Film Commission would approve $1 million to make Tina and VUW would then support the film by allowing it to be a Masters project, you were closer to the scent of what would have made me agree. But, ultimately, that pitch failed because I didn't get a dime for writing the script. They wanted an entire new draft with the Shipwrecked songs to unlock development money. That was too much to ask. They needed to pay for the extant draft that had caused the commotion when thousands of Kiwis read it. Yes, extant is a word.
As they've learned, I'm a full-blooded professional and - unlike an 18yo - my songs are actually valuable; as a result I'm a member of APRA. Shipwrecked is protected IP, and APRA's definitely got enough clout to prevent VUW from using them if I say no.
As I say, VUW has never offered to pay until very recently, and now I'm simply too angry to reconsider. They're trying to assuage their guilt about how they treated me, but they're not willing to let me have creative control.
My editing is a valuable commodity, and that's why I got final cut until Season 3, when all the media folks started fucking around with the cuts.
Michelle has to legally accept that I refuse to perform the role.
There is simply no way of legally persuading me. Michelle Cameron didn't write the script. Neither did VUW. Therefore, I get to say that my tape to the chancellor is the end of this, or the next move will be some type of injunction. Sadly, I don't have any evidence. They're just going to call me crazy, but even if I'm insane and there's no reason to be this paranoid, they could at least acknowledge that I'm very worried that they might illegally use my material. All the wannabe Jades can do one of two things: buy the script off me (for Rose) and then re-cast with one of your other trans friends. Or you can fuck off.
VUW cannot perform Pan's Preludes. No. Simply no. Only no. Always no.
Absolutely not. And that is my way of saying 'I didn't like being treated like a retard, so that's why I don't hang around the campus or come to shit.'
I'm not coming to Guitar Society, but I did enjoy playing the little study piece.
So yeah, for the Italian movie, that's going to be interesting. I wouldn't practice more in a flat. Music isn't my first priority at the moment. I'm hoping to do a bunch of composing when VUW backs off, though.
My bans and boycotts are political activism. I'm shaming you, and you're pissy cos you thought that part in my backstories video about death by satire was silly. That was a totally real thing that I discovered doing Irish research.
For people that are wondering, it's my brother that's friends with Jade Jackson (no relation). She's a Samoan-New Zealand director that made a short film about the dawn raids.