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Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

gender non-conforming

That's the key word that needs to enter this debate. It's not about passing trans people, so that's what we're really discussing. Thanks to Carmen, we're all legally entitled to crossdress. But we're not protected from discrimination. That's the grey area that the coalition can fix. - I can walk the streets, I can come to Parliament, but I can't get a job. - That's why this law change regarding gender identity and expression is important. Even my dickhead enemies that want me to be their diva would acknowledge the years that they spent as cubicle drones or otherwise in paid employment. I've had two jobs in my life, Isentia and RNZ, and neither was full-time. Instead, I've spent much of my twenties on the dole. This is how one becomes bitter. - As for my own experiences: well, we all know that I've had some crappy experiences since I came out. I'm not keen to be assaulted again. I'm not keen to be shamed for my clothes, or called a fetishist (that wasn't diagnosed 😠). I'm lucky that my boarding house is fine with me as Amanda. That's not always a given. I think this would massively improve social equity for trans and non-binary populations, so that makes it a cinch for AMPP (who are also strong on all sex and gender issues).

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