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Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell


People have become so 'concerned' about my feelings for Sondheim or Don or Chloe, yet nobody even asks me about my feelings regarding Carmen or Georgina, and they thought that Dave Roil was a bad influence on me (I disagree). Like, I'm pretty bloody obsessed with Carmen! Maybe people should stop projecting their heteronormative or homonormative assumptions onto my obviously non-hetero and non-homonormative sexual preferences.

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1 comentariu

Amanda Riddell
Amanda Riddell
31 oct.

Re: sex.

Put it this way -- a gay couple might have anal sex, but they're both identifying as men. If the couple were an intersex person that was assigned male at birth, but identifies as female, and a transfeminine person that was assigned male at birth, but also identifies as female, then it's a totally different sexual dynamic (even though it's still anal). Personally, my sexual fantasy is more like Evie - a really fit tomboy.

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