For starters, I know that many people have been reading this blog, particularly the community mental health team and the FTAC (among others). So, that's why I didn't email the cease and desist letters: I knew my enemies were reading, and that they'd probably read them. It became obvious behind the scenes that they had, and were attempting to find loopholes. Now, here's a piece of my mind for the various people that I've accused, and why I think my case is strong: VUW really needs to rethink what the fuck they've been doing.
That's the only thing that I can seriously prove. I can prove that people expected a screenplay based on the content of that hui and also based on a message where Michelle said 'anytime soon'
We could also go into the 'code' and then I could find some of the attempts on deviantart.
But, regardless, of those, I think that RNZ would also probably admit that they thought I was going to do the 'deal' of part-time study and a Tina movie.
VUW is the main offender, Red Scare are the secondary offenders. They're going to try and backtrack and say that it's all in my head, but I think that gets a bit hard to believe. If they'd really believed that, then why didn't my doctors bring this up, and why was I discharged? -
I said some pretty awful things about James, Cass and the VUW faculty. Far worse than the things that I said about Chloe.
It's a counter-factual, but it's still a good argument: if they hadn't been trying to make the script, why didn't they take me to court under the HDCA, or pursue a defamation charge? Because they wanted my script: that's why. -
So, Tim Batt, that's pretty much my argument: given the way I behaved, the only reason that they didn't take me to court was because they wanted to use my script, the hui gives clear evidence that they condescended to me, and basically implied that if I shut up and wore male clothes, Don and Harry would direct a film.
Lucinda was there. She might have missed the subtext, but probably not. Chloe was there too, and she probably knew exactly what their plan was. Or she's going to tell me that they lied to her.
I mean, if this goes to court, every performer will be interviewed on the stand. Some of them will probably come over to my side and admit the plan as well. I think the drag queens probably feel bad now that they've had another 2 years to realise that I'm not the devil. -
There really isn't a way to avoid this, Tory. You tried to tell me what to be. As I say, you beat up on me to win votes because your audience didn't like me very much.
My enemies are as keen to avoid court as me. That's why they offered the 'donate the script because we admit we were wrong to try and force you' settlement recently. Now, though, they need to pay out what's fair, otherwise they treated me like a slave and got away with it.
$100,000 is way more than they'll offer, but it sets a tone. I'd say that $30,000 is the non-negotiable lower limit. That's how much I'd have made at RNZ.
My view: they'll probably settle for the $50,000, even though they don't get to produce it.
I'd love to get $50,000 from VUW alone and whatever the other shits can cough up.
More proof: Dave Armstrong's first meeting with me, he pulled out his papers and one of the scripts in that package was a screenplay that clearly had the word 'AMANDA' as a character name. He also dropped a reference to how my brother and I came up with the opening song for POAK, then tried to talk me out of doing the Perfumed Garden as intended.
So, yeah, I still want to work with him, but I really want VUW's apology and compensation. He'd freely admit what the 'plan' was if we went to court: he seems to have come around to my view.
Michelle would as well. She feels bad. VUW can't escape this. They illegally exploited me, and it's pretty obvious.
Put it this way: my crush on Chloe was one open secret; the attempts of VUW to force me to return were another. -
And, as I say, if they wanted to prove collaboration, they'd have to explain to me how it was that they were able to access my drafts-in-progress at Treehouse. VUW will lose, and they have to accept the need to compensate me.
Put it this way: $50,000 for at least 3 years of actively manipulating me and then using my social media page as a tool for student learning = compensation.
If we really went to court, I'd probably get much more.
It's not a sale. I can't overemphasise this. No sale.
This is restitution for emotional damages.
VUW has to legally accept that the negotiation has concluded and this is simply how much they owe me for the work that I did. They could have bought it when I offered the sale price in 2023. They tried to win an IP war and they lost because my allies got other professionals involved. -
How will the apologies take place? As I said, it's the reverse of the hate hui. Instead of sitting at the back while people insult me, I sit at the front while they admit guilt.
I'm not saying it's a whole evening, but it's essentially a press conference.
No, I'm not doing a workshop in Dunedin. I really want to resolve this shit in Wellington before considering my next plan.
It's not inherently the mana that makes me more tolerable in a Māori space. It's also that they genuinely appreciate the style and tend to like me. I mean, people in that community respected me long before I was Amanda Michelina.
No Cass, the answer is no. Only no, always no and you legally do not have the rights to use my script.
No 'do n ot [Oranga Tamariki reference ... this is the code] and have a good laugh' only 'you tried to alter my orientation, Cassandra, and you must apologise and compensate me for treating me like a sex slave'
Settle now, stop trying to 'let me' come back to your society.
No 'come back to Robert' only 'I wasn't diagnosed with DID, Stephen Clothier, and Cass and James treated me as a sex slave that they refused to pay when I wrote a script and they didn't.'
The fact that you shits are still saying 'be Robert' says it all. Non-negotiable apology and non-negotiable compensation must occur.
Michelle, the only outcome is VUW apologising, Cass apologising and Barbara accepting that I refuse to sing with her because of her fucking attitude.
The only valid outcome is no Tina and I get paid anyway.
Had they developed a script, they'd expect payment. In fact, they got paid before they'd even written a script, which is why I called them out in 2021, as Evee would remember.
Non-negotiable admissions of guilt and compensation are the only valid way to resolve this impasse.
There is no way to alter this outcome, Dave A. You need to tell Cass that she owes me money, she must apologise and James Cain must also apologise.
Barbara, I'm not apologising. Your husband's attitude put me in a lot of trouble.
I had to defend myself because I was being threatened based on what you two said. -
Stop telling me to cum because you're hoping you'll win me over. Non-negotiable apologies and the process has to begin by next Monday. All that everyone learned is that I had to discover the value of human life because you weren't even treating me as a human being.
Non-negotiable apologies and compensation with frank admissions of absolute, unequivocal guilt regarding constant attempts at conversion therapy that are still happening today.
VUW has to admit guilt regarding the illegal access to my computer. Red Scare has to admit guilt regarding the illegal access to my computer. Both parties must also admit guilt regarding conversion therapy attempts.
I don't want crocodile tears: I simply want admissions of guilt and apologies.
It's in your interests to simply and plainly explicate the entire scheme so that people will believe me when I tell them, because it's pretty out there.
That also involves RNZ admitting guilt regarding spying on the personal life of an employee.
I'm hoping the NZSIS comes to the party and admits they were the ones that facilitated this illegal access and compensate me separately.
James and Cass should be in jail. That's my view. You lied to me about Chloe being in love with me, you lied to me about Sondheim being involved. You gaslit me, you honestly tried to force me to be a man, and you have to apologise.
You owe me a real apology that is only and explicitly unequivocal in admissions of guilt. Don't cry, don't justify, simply explain it for the news cameras. Ask Gary how much the compensation amount should be -- also, tell him first, so that he can prepare me: I'm sure he'll set a number that's fair.
And no, Marama, I'm not going to enter Parliament. Largely because I can't trust the party.
I can't involve Don. He hasn't even seen my last message about the interview. I'm hoping he'll agree to that.
As for Debbie: well, I don't even know how to phrase that email.
I really don't think this is a Māori Party matter. In fact, this is precisely the bullshit which is why I joined them rather than my 'allies.' -
I don't get aroused by anger. Well, occasionally, but it's mostly shame, self-pity and aesthetic beauty.
They know what they did. They know I know, and there's a new government that wants to avoid a scandal.
That's my message to Nicola and Chris: if you stop this now, then you can blame Jacinda and the other Chris.
Also, for the fans, imagine the cool outfits that I might buy with some of that money.
4 years of my life that I'll never get back, but at least the next 4 might be better.
Seriously, though, the SIS knows this was illegal, right? They know that they can't do this again, right? - I'm also expecting Jane and Owen to front up. I think the guitar society and the music community in general owes me an apology over taking Jake's side. This is my screed: let's begin the healing!