Blocking the Facebook news feed was a great move. I'd recommend that for all the Green MPs. Gary introduced me to this app called FreeTube that is like an ad-free YouTube clone.
Like, it doesn't really affect your ability to use FB, though obviously it's different for me.
I'm not an ideal example, but I think that it's probably better to automatically block it and then to turn it on for like 5-10 minutes. I use Facebook like a blog site, and keep track of a few MPs. I don't read Tam very much, but that's partly because she's talking about alcoholics and homeless people, and I prefer to downplay that aspect of my own life.
I'm two steps up from being homeless. I'm living in a boarding house, but it's not technically emergency housing (people seem to have gotten that mixed up). One thing that I took from reading Jerome Robbins' papers was that he lived in a one-room setup for several years. It's actually another example of me being old-fashioned. Boarding houses were quite popular in mid-20th century New Zealand.