Well, it's a useful term, but it's essentially the PC version of intellectual disability.
That's the corporate view of people as productive units. Though actually there are also forms of reverse discrimination where companies specifically hire people with autistic traits to do certain kinds of work under the theory that they're better at it.
That's my problem with politics and identity: ultimately, it's just another box, and that's useful for human rights, but not so much at shifting stigma because the narratives of oppression are overused and easily exploited.
I like Jim Anderton's view of a Christian-based social justice thing, not so much because I have faith myself (my parents were atheists, but raised Presbytarian and Anglican), but because some of the strongest movements in NZ politics have been tied to that vision.
That's the Joe Savage strain in New Zealand politics. We weren't actually a communist nation, but we were essentially a socialist one, shaped in the mould of a bunch of books and newspapers that proliferated in the Australian union movement of the 19th century.
That's where the mateship idea comes from as well, and that's obviously one of the core strains of the Dakumentary - once all the audience realised they were projecting gayness where it mostly wasn't present, that is! Like, it must have been irritating for Dakta and Gary that everyone thought they were lovers. Wtf? If you'd been at the club, you'd know that they're straight, and Dakta was dating Jackie.
There's a religious fervour in Māori politics that I have distinctly mixed feelings about, but it certainly galvanises the people (as does the King).
In terms of faith, I believe in a universal consciousness, but each deity is ultimately a mental conception that can't possibly prove the existence of such a being. It's a slight lie in the Weeded Out script when I say that it's all Faceless Goddesses, but essentially true.
I believe that the divine is manifested through change, and that's essentially a feminine energy view of the world. With online porn, and with getting older, I do fantasise about certain people, but Chloe seriously isn't one of them. I think she's great, but my sexual fantasies of her never get anywhere near having sex. I'm demisexual: ultimately, I don't know her well enough to see her in that way. She's like this pain in the arse cousin that I like, but also find infuriating. If I was to hazard a guess, I'd say it's her input that made the film sprawl out to the 21-hour length: my early cuts were about 6-10 hours.