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Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

'pass with care' must end!

I'm serious. If the Wellington people are deliberately placing those in my sight-line, they HAVE to stop. 👍 I don't pass, but what I do is legal. And this is why I have zero charges. -

If you want the slightest hope of me 're-integrating', they must cease. Otherwise, I will refuse anything, and I really am set on NOT studying, and NOT performing. I want to write. - I don't want to be part of a society who is too afraid to write to me. But I have the legal right to freedom of movement, and anyone who is afraid of me needs to get real and accept that fear alone is not enough to do anything other than whinge. I refuse to stop whining because I fucking well hate the people who spy on me without engaging. If you are unable to write me two lines of Plain English to say hi, then fuck off and let me live my life. I don't want my old life, and if people can get that through their thick skulls, then they may find I'm a lot more fun than my persona. But if I feel the need to be intimidating, there are good reasons for that, and that is what it takes to own walking the streets as a transvestite. It wasn't an easy life I chose, but I'm fine with that. But the stigma of trannie is very real, and that is most of what people reacted to. They assumed the worst because of how I dress, and that is pathetic from a supposedly enlightened city. If you want me to stay, then make me feel welcome. Otherwise my mean side will be all you'll ever see. ✊ - I really do not want to study. I refuse to do that because I just do not want to set foot on the VUW campus. I get to say that. And as for live gigs, I do go to Guitar Society, so that's probably the best bet to see me live. But I don't want to do a full set: it's a waste of my time to practice when writing and composing are what my heart is set on doing for 2023.

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