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Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

Question Time 17.10.2024

One of Gary's tyres punctured, so he was slightly late and sat somewhere else.

Australian Associated Press is leaving Parliament? Something from the intro.

  1. Mariameno to Tama Potaka MK 7, TP 5 'Whānau ora is a visionary kaupapa' - Potaka Mariameno says that he's fragmenting the network.

    Procurement process ... organisations might end up competing with the Salvation Army. How will this government sustain a fourth commissioning agency?

  2. Garcia to Willis PG 5, NW 5 Public service question. 'A significant shift of back-room services to the front lines' - Nicola. 16.9% increase in call centre operators 0.7% growth in the public service overall, which Nicola called a year of two halves. 'demoralisation ... it's about people not positions' - Chloe. 'It's not for you to make a judgment. That's for me' - Brownlee to Kieran during yet another pointless point of order.

  3. Sepuloni to Upston CS 5, LU 5 Jobseeker question. 'We are confident in the steps we are taking to improve the welfare system' - Upston 'low to no growth lead[s] to unemployment' - Upston. RSE vs. Jobseeker in the regions ... Louise called it a 'balance' 'This side of the House is focussed on what people can do, rather than what they can't' - Upston

  4. Marcroft to Peters JM 3, WP 3 Winnie as acting PM. Patsy question. Laundry list of accomplishments: 'We will reach the SmokeFree target in 2024' 'We have stopped He Puapua' Dog whistle about trans people in sport. 'Instead of giving money to the gangs, we are coming down hard on them' 'This is a government that understands working people' Lots of chatter from the opposition.

  5. Willow-Jean to Erica WJP 6, ES 4 Following up from yesterday about Te Ahu o Te Reo Māori Battle of statistics, with Willow-Jean questioning the evidence that was presented yesterday. '$100 million of public money is not a small amount' - Erica, who also described herself as a steward of public money. 'It's not quantitative data' - Lawrence from the Greens.

  6. Bates to Stanford CB 5, ES 5 Inquiry into school buildings has been returned. Erica's plan remains the same, which is fewer bespoke designs and more modular builds.

  7. Tamatha to Chhour TP 8, KC 3 Boot camps. They're moving ahead with more of them, even though the pilot hasn't been completed yet. 'We can't wait ... for more reports ... the mentoring is the biggest part of this program ... inspirational. 'This pilot is completely different to the boot camps' - Chhour. 'It's disgusting!' - Chloe. Winston implied she was a 'sick idiot.'

  8. Van Der Molen to Penk TV 6, CP 6 Veterans affairs. They're amending ANZAC day to include wars that have been fought since 1966. No-brainer. Easy win.

  9. Andersen to Mitchell GA 6, MM 4 Police resources. Very brief answers.

    Ginny said that people are telling her that 'politics is affecting operational deployment' ... she's been involved with NZ Police for a long time.

  10. Lan Pham to Chris Bishop LP 6, CB 4 Fast Track Approvals are including previously declined projects, including dams and seabed mining. 'We can do a lot with the projects that are in the Bill' - Bishop.

    'Who needs a planet ... you do know you're the bad guys, eh?' - Chloe.

  11. Weenink to Bayly VW 6, AB 6

    Confirmation of Payee Service, which is 'providing a safeguard against scams.'

    This means you can match up a name with a bank account before transferring money.

    Begins next week, and will be available across 13 banks by Easter 2025.

  12. Parker to Peters DP 6, WP 5

    Why didn't we sign a UN letter about the Secretary-General being made persona non grata in Israel?

    NZ wanted to express it 'in our own voice.' Why aren't we recognising Palestine? 'Doesn't have any chance of going into effect.' Chloe: has he taken advice on sanctioning Israel? Well, Winston ignored her and went on another tangent.

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