Watching on TV - I've got a doctor's appointment at 3:30pm. - Lots of technical stuff.. it's 2:08pm, and the first question is yet to be asked. - 1. Henderson to Sepuloni
Welfare question - 115,000 people lifted out of poverty according to Max Rashbrooke. It's a soft question. - 2. Waititi to Davis Prisons question - about the isolation and seclusion of prisoners. Well-argued from both sides. - 3. Luxon to Hipkins Luxon sounds like the cat who got the cream .. 'gleeful' might be a good descriptor. Gangs question - it's feeling a lot like election season. 🤣 Seymour failed to korero Māori -- that was hilarious! This question is going on forever... Rurawhe looks bored. I think Act was pandering to migrant communities with the supplementaries. - 4. Leavasa to Verrall 50 more slots for medical students. Is that enough? - 5. Willis to Robertson This is cracking me up, despite my lack of financial acumen. Another epically long question. - 6. Twyford to Henare Forestry question: I think they're planning to get rid of the pines, though they haven't mentioned hemp. 🥝 - 7. Reti to Verrall Back to the ethnicity question from question 3. 'ethnicity, deprivation, from a rural area' are factors the equity adjuster takes into account re: waitlists. - 8. McKee to Andersen This is becoming like the education questions to Tinetti - I could live without hearing '1800 extra cops' or 'the gangs have recruited double that' 🧠 - 9. Belich to Radhakrishnan A roll call of Labour policies for parents. I'm busy looking for my rings and necklaces. - 10. Goldsmith to Allan (answered by Parker). Boring. - 11. Leary to Webb Announced an inquiry into competition in personal banking, adding to the inquiries into supermarkets and other virtual monopolies.