Jan Tinetti was sporting a colourful sweater with flowers on it. 'Mister useless' - Gary, about Gerry Brownlee. I wore trousers today, but that's not a precedent -- haven't done my laundry. - 1. Arbuckle to Costello 'distraction tactics' - Gary. More 'red-tape' bashing, this time regarding the Therapeutic Products legislation. 'vapoware legislation' - Gary. JA 5/10, CC 5/10. - 2. Hipkins to Luxon Chris H accused Chris L of pork-barrelling with regards to the Botany electorate and funding for school buildings. Then more smoking questions ... I told you that this was going to be a huge issue. CH 8/10, CL 5/10. - 3. Bidois to Willis Cost of living question. 'Kiwis are continuing to be kicked by high inflation' - Nicola. 'Who does she mean by Kiwis?' - Gary. 'Inflation is a thief in everyone's pocket' - Nicola. Brownlee disciplined her for attacking the opposition during a supplementary. 'About time he did his job' - Gary. 'We need infrastructure!' - Chloe. DB 5/10, NW 6/10. - 4. Edmonds to Willis. 'Limited room for new spending .. future budgets are under pressure' - Nicola. 'The sum of the fiscal cliffs ... $7.2 billion' Finance ... yawn.
'This is painful' - Gary. This question went on for ages; total snoozer. BE 6/10, NW 5/10. - 5. Shaw to Luxon Fast-track consenting and fossil fuel extraction .. that was the thrust of the questions. 'Yes, I can confirm these are my standby words' - Gary, on Luxon's answers. JS 7/10, CL 4/10. - 6. Verrall to Costello Kudos to Ayesha for keeping up the fight, but I've had a gutsful of this smoking debate. It's obviously a desperate income-raising measure, and it'd be nice if they admitted that (and legalised cannabis). It's taking time away from other health sector issues, though there was healthy opposition to the use of urgency to disestablish Te Aka Whai Ora after Question Time. 'Why did you defund the health system?' - Chloe. AV 6/10, CC 4/10. - 7. Ngarewa-Packer to Luxon The Waitangi Tribunal says that the government is ignoring the judicial process. Luxon doesn't care. 'An abuse of the democratic process' - Debbie. DN 7/10, CL 4/10. - 8. Menendez March to Simmonds
Upston wasn't in the House today; another beneficiaries question.
'Evidence doesn't matter for this lot' - Gary.
RMM 7/10, PS 3/10.
9. Garcia to Goldsmith
Boring gang-bashing. This was quite a vocal session - lots of chatter.
PG1 6/10, PG2 4/10.
10. Henare to Reti
More on Te Aka Whai Ora
'It is this government's intention to avoid the Waitangi Tribunal for all matters?'
- Peeni. Good question.
PH 7/10, SR 5/10.
11. Nimon to Stanford
More on the school buildings.
'Load of bollocks ... your children go to private schools' - Gary.
Will she commit to no cuts on capital expenditure? - Tinetti.
Yes. - Stanford. That was a surprise.
KN 5/10, ES 5/10.
12. McCallum to Simmonds
The Contaminated Sites Remediation Fund .. fancy words for old landfills that have poisoned the soil.
GM 5/10, PS 5/10.