The public galleries were cleared halfway through for an iwi group. The Speaker has made photo ID for Parliament visitors mandatory and has also banned block bookings of more than ten people, a move that Gary interprets as targeting TPM and iwi more generally. The Spinoff is sending a reporter to Question Time now. - 1. Hūhana to Costello HL 5, CC 4 'Nicotine is incredibly addictive ... supporting smokers to manage their addiction' - Costello. 'Maximising RELX's financial gain ... grey channels' - Hūhana. The government has procured some dodgy vapes that may have been offered with a bribe, but Costello insists that 'the inference that this NZ government has received bribes is abhorrent.' 2. Marcroft to Costello JM 5, CC 5 A patsy question about customs, which is being streamlined with digital technology and a new digital declaration. 'That answer was excessively long' - Brownlee. 3. Carmel to Acting PM (Winston) CS 7, WP 4 More on RELX and vapes. 'Any implication of bribery leads straight back to her back door' - Winston. Waste of a question. Acting PM has limited authority. 4. Butterick to Bishop MB 4, CB 4 Speed limit reductions have been reversed. Then there was a parade of anecdotes and some typical attacks. 'Time savings make a difference across the country' - Bishop. Brownlee called the lefties sensitive sausages as a response to a point of order by Duncan Webb. Yes, that's really what happened. 5. McClure to Van Velden LM 5, BV 6 54% more citizenship applications in December 2024 compared to December 2023. Number of in-progress applications is decreasing. 6. Woods to Bishop MW 6, CB 4 Bish speaking for Nicola: 'on behalf of' = a waste of a question.
Good Crown entities could fix the books: yeah, right.
7. Hana to Tama HRMC - , TP -
The galleries were cleared during this question. Tama answered in Te Reo, but Hana gave the questions in English.
8-12. N/A