Well, when I was dealing with the fuzz (hippie word for police), or with the Prime Minister, the subterfuge made sense and I personally love the idea that Jacinda listened to my tapes when I was rambling drunk in the park: called her out occasionally. It doesn't make sense with potential business partners. If people want the IP, that makes it a business transaction, and I'm not sure about you, but I was fairly sure that business people weren't supposed to surveil you. People are welcome to expect me to behave normally, but that's not me. I pulled all this same crap that I'm pulling with the Film Commission with the cops and with Chloe. - For the people that kink-shamed me: Like, I'm obviously different when it comes to how I process sex and sexuality, but that's because I'm trans + the traumatic childhood accident in Milano. There's a real correlation between being trans and being ace, and I'd say that my dysphoria gets in the way of being a man. Plus people encouraged me to be a virgin.
I joke about it, but it was for real something that was thrust upon me. Here's some more photos from my childhood. My Dad was a keen photographer.