No, I'm not David Bowie. I'm living as Amanda from now 'till I die. - My message to the intolerant Wellingtonians would be this: how dare you? How many of you have even met me? How many of you have any idea what is and isn't visible when I wear a skirt? That, Cassandra Tse, is why I'm so epically pissed off at you. You have never met me.
You have never actually seen the bulge that you're complaining about. You just took people's word for it because you think I'm weird and sick and different. -
They can complain about me doing the voice memo bit, but their complaint loses some lustre when you realise that people deliberately troll me. It's not a joke that these wealthy avocado nazis have PR jobs and run advertising campaigns. And people troll me on the street and the bus. I made the tapes because people lacked the courage or the legal backing to pursue criminal charges, but still threatened me. Like, these same nazis that made noise complaints when I sang are now forced to admit that the town was a nicer place when I was young, singing and not being treated like some kind of sick pervert. They feel guilty, but they'd rather 'collaborate' as parole officers rather than pay me or (even better) apologise to my face about their kink-shaming, and rather small-minded feedback. - My message to the tolerant Wellingtonians is this: yes, we won! Cannabis is finally at that point where it's semi-legal. All we have to do is keep challenging conventions and bringing our medical cannabis to a variety of locations. Oh, and open some social clubs. The Council was easy enough to talk into repainting that rainbow crossing, but they've ignored all inquiries about a safe consumption space or seriously enabling clubs to start up. The clubs can't sell, and that's actually a sticking point. My gut read is that Tory and her mates want a club that sells because they're not part of the cannabis culture. - So what if I'm a bit bald? The hair is still interesting. But, real talk, I'm too old to be Tina on screen and a play would be like hell. I'm sorry that Cass had their heart set on my songs, but too bad. I've got my heart set on Shipwrecked on Islands, and I'm fully aware that Red Scare and Luke absolutely despise that screenplay with every fibre of their being. NY wankers! Kiwis love my shows for sounding like us. Well, I'm overstating it slightly, but they don't get the philosophy and think that the numbers would be better off being sung by me with them controlling the narrative. Because they feel that I haven't 'given back' to the theatre community. Again, I'm actually working on an opera. Golriz added me on Facebook, so I genuinely believe that she'll be able to help nail those Persian cultural aspects. Get in line, Luke. Gemma and Hamish want to conduct my music as well.