You ARE going to apologise to me about your little stunt. I won't meet you otherwise.
By making those mean comments (via proxy) about my bulge, you literally showed me that I was right to refuse to meet with you, though my friend being in crisis was also a fair and valid reason to skip that meeting.
See, lady, you hurt my feelings, but you didn't get the answer that you wanted.
It's quite fair to say that the Film Commission had read my script, which literally covered this EXACT moment re: the goddamn bulge. She behaved EXACTLY as the rude bougie parents did, if not worse.
This is a really good example of transphobia. You really hurt my feelings, and I need you to understand that I'm a real person and that I've got a real life. I'm not some 24/7 AI bot.
- See, Tory, plenty of reasons to apologise... the tide's turning, and the anti-trans shit isn't really acceptable in 2024. Bulges aren't illegal, and being transphobes isn't either (sadly). I use these tactics because I have no legal recourse re: transphobia. The new Bill that Debbie is sponsoring will eventually add some protections, but that's ages away.
That's Wellington vs. Auckland. In Wellington, the gay community backs me to be me, even if they think I'm a bit OTT. In Auckland, K Road is the sanctuary, and that's all they have. We own the entire CBD.