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Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

To John Allen

VUW must give up on Weeded Out: the feature at this point. Treehouse (the jobseeking course) might have some legal claim to that IP, given that I wrote significant amounts of the scripts during their course, but Starbucks doesn't own every screenplay that's written there. I have literally been subtly boycotting the university for many years. Can you name the number of times you've seen me on campus since 2018? Probably, because there's only been a handful of occasions. - If you've been directed to this page by my letter, you might want to look up the cease-and-desist letters that I wrote earlier this year. Particularly cease-and-desist 4. The terms are exceptionally clear: I have established that the scripts are solely mine, and I have asked for Victoria University of Wellington to stop asking me to return. - Paul and Sally-Jane should have simply emailed me in Plain English to discuss my movie script and their desires to produce it because you and the board told my peers that are being smug that they're about to get fired at the end of next year. Now, though, I've set clear terms. Compensation isn't important, but ceasing is. Don't pretend like you didn't read this. Just respectfully give up, and some emissary is going to say sorry for the bullshit that forced me to provide my drafting documents.

- None of you want me there. You just want a famous name. Fine, then get Taika or Bret.

Or James and Cass, based on their bullshit towards me. They can rip me off, and all of you can make millions! If you want the uni to stop featuring as a subject in my podcast, then let me win. Let me be like Alan Moore: a slightly smug dick that's nevertheless a great writer.

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1 Comment

Amanda Riddell
Amanda Riddell
Nov 22

One of those times was to see Chloe. I'm sure she remembers that.

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