First off, if you genuinely believe that I 'must' be Tina, then you're wrong on two counts. 1. No, I really don't. There was nothing that even vaguely resembled a written contract, and I certainly didn't agree to address the notes of Red Scare or VUW. Instead, I chose to adapt the story into prose, which was a perfectly valid use of the copyrighted material.
2. If you're so obsessed with the idea that I 'must' explain myself, I suggest that you keep watching the Dakumentary, particularly S01E10. That's the backstories episode, and I spend 40 minutes explaining all the critically important information.
There is no obligation on a transgender individual to explain themselves to society as a whole: my psychiatrists were satisfied that I was trans, and it's actually irrelevant what a bunch of wannabe producers that are too afraid to meet me believed. However, because these people threatened and blackmailed me, I provided an explanation. I wrote a movie script, I made a webseries, and now that webseries has become a documentary epic. All that my enemies are doing is simply reinforcing the idea that trans people are great TV fodder, but shouldn't be allowed the same rights and opportunities that they enjoy (this is particularly ridiculous coming from parts of the Rainbow community!). People that got scholarships to study abroad shouldn't bag on me for having the guts to actually become an expert on NZ music. They need to do their own mahi, rather than trying to crib from mine and use me as their token Māori.
3. I was discharged because I'm mentally well. Part of why I'm doing better is that TWOA isn't perving on me. They're far more open-minded than VUW ever demonstrated itself to be in the several years where they tried to force me to return. If you continue to try to force me to make the Tina film - yes, even one episode isn't fair - you will be directly contributing to worsening my mental health. I never promised a delivery date, and VUW was unwilling or unable to pay for the rights like a professional studio because they didn't think that they had to.
Haven't been enrolled since 2015, so that was just wishful thinking on their part that they tried to turn into reality with their countless millions.
There's ample evidence that the pressure to be Tina rather than myself directly contributed to the breakdown that cost me my RNZ gig. So, instead of assisting me, these thick Wellington 'liberals' cost me my job and cost me my sanity, and indirectly got me in trouble with Chloe's office. Do better by me by dropping this idea immediately and apologising for being thick and calling me a trannie fetishist. Apologise for the conversion therapy attempts and apologise for that roast where you told me explicitly to go straight. That's a fair outcome.
I've had the guts to face you down in public while you snipe at me in private. This time, you lot need to build up the guts to admit to my face that you were wrong about me, and that you caused me significant reputational damage based on half-truths.