I'm calmer after those 2 cones. But now I feel cringe about Justified because of all the digs about how 'american' I am.
I'm actually as Kiwi as anyone, and this attitude makes me so pissed-off that it has sunk people's half-hearted offers to work with me.
I don't know what I want to watch.
Re: guitar, I honestly think that's been the problem for me.
I love playing it, but atm I'm feeling pretty over the guitar.
And over music in general tbh. I want to feel there's more to my life than just strumming chords and dots on the page.
That's what the job makes me feel. And the loneliness is what got me: Bringing in Christmas and New Year basically alone was too much for me.
I'd say the Brian Wilson phrase about how his chest bursts feels apropos here: I'm just out of ideas right now.
I think focusing on productivity was a silly thing to do given I'm technically on holiday.
I like my hair. I saw it in the mirror today and thought it looked pretty solid. I'm a hippie - all my mates have long, thin hair.
While I just personally think that extensions aren't the vibe. I'd rather that people see my ugly face.
Yes, and the prejudice that my ugly face provokes is precisely why I advocate for legal protections for gender-diverse people.
To be clear, I'm not a tranny chaser. In my mind, I see myself as a real woman.
And that's attractive to me, but only because I've never felt comfortable about ogling women.
I find gender non-conformity to be generally attractive to me, but yeah I'm an asexual fruit.