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Writer's pictureAmanda Riddell

'you're a bad example'

Well, first I think it's important to delineate the difference between my trans activism and my weed activism. I think they're fairly separate, though Question Time fuses both. As a weed activist, I stick to the science, which is different to some. I realise that some people dislike my attitude since 2018, but that has obvious real-life factors: 1. My Dad died.

2. My family disinherited me.

3. After I came out as trans, I faced what I felt like was some fairly strong social exclusion. Plus I met Gary and Dave and decided that rarking people up was my calling. I've openly talked about being diagnosed with cannabis use disorder on several occasions. When I received a medical prescription it was CBD-only. I felt that was fair; had I been able to afford that - instead of my trans identity causing trouble with my job - it's entirely possible that I would have kept smoking it. - However, I think most of the butthurt people are just arseholes; the implication that people weren't willing to accept me unless I wore male clothes was beyond insulting, and that's triggered much of my anger. Now it's time for those people to fess up and face up to that anger. 👋 - Snark: Yes, the trannie activist is legit and she's increasingly influential (apparently). As for the drug law reform: I'm philosophically correct that everything should be legal. The War on Drugs is punitive, racist and causing more harm than it supposedly 'solves' - Overall, I think my life experiences have been highly relatable, despite my weirdness, and that's probably the element of my activism that has advanced my causes.✊

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